David McCloskey

David McCloskey

Principle Investigator

David McCloskey is the group PI and holds the Ussher Assistant Professorship in the science of Energy and Energy Systems, in the School of Physics at TCD. He formed the group in 2016 and manages the research program.

Simon Corbett

Simon Corbett

PhD Student

Simon Corbett is the senior PhD student in the group joining in 2016. His work focuses on CCD based thermoreflectance and is interested in a broad range of applications such the thin film thermoelectrics, thermal management in optoelectronics, and heating in MMIC.

Kenny Yu

Kenny Yu

PhD Student

Kenny Yu joined the group in 2018. He is funded through an IRC EMP and as such Kenny Yu is employed by Nokia Bell Labs Ireland. His primary interested lie in the use of frequency domain thermorerlectance to understand solid-liquid heat transfer processes. He is developing experimental techniques for studying two phase heat transfer in integrated evaporative microcoolers.

Erik Soderholm

Erik Soderholm

PhD Student

Erik Soderholm joined the group in 2019 and is working on the development of transverse thermoelectric materials. He is funded through the AMBER research centre. His work focuses development of materials, fabrication processes and applications for transverse thermolelectrics.

Majid Nooroziarb

Majid Nooroziarb

Past Group Member

Majid Nooroziarb worked with the group from 2018 to 2019 He was funded though the CONNECT centre, and focused on development of RF components using 3D ceramic printing. This project was in collaboration with the RF group in Nokia Bell Labs. Majid then took another postdoc position in the Max Plank Institute in Bonn.

Ertugrul Karademir

Ertugrul Karademir

Past Group Member

Ertugrul Karademir was a postdoc in the group from 2016-2017. HE contributed greatly to the development of the TDTR system currently used in the group. He subsequently took up an industry position with Eblana Photonics.

Naveen Balla

Naveen Balla

Past Group Member

Naveen Balla worked with the group from 2017 to 2019. He contributed greatly to the development of the TDTR and FDTR systems, and in refining the fitting code for these techniques. Naveen left the group to take up a position in industry working on autonomous vehicles in Valeo in Galway.